

シラバス 詳細


2限Writing in English1春A名古屋 11S.C. ピアソンFE1103




This course is intended to help students develop their writing skills in English. Good writing is not a matter of just writing grammatically correct sentences. It also includes choosing appropriate vocabulary and adopting a style that is appropriate for the task and for the intended reader. In this first year course we will concentrate on writing clear and effective sentences, combining short sentences to make longer ones, and organizing sentences into paragraphs.   We will do various writing exercises aimed at developing these different kinds of writing skills. We will also practice writing various kinds of texts: notes, instructions, directions, opinion essays, reports and so on.

This course is taught entirely in English.


The goal of this course is to master basic writing skills and to produce various types of English texts, for example, letters, notes, instructions, essays, reports and so on. A secondary goal is for students to gain skill producing English texts using word processors.


Students will have to bring a dictionary, enthusiasm to this class. Homework has to be done as it is integral to the structure of the class. For online lessons, we will use teams, here is the code: e7dm2t2


Students will write short compositions on a variety of subjects in class and then they will have to self correct these for homework, these will then be checked again and the students will again self correct so creating a process learning situation.


教科書『Read to write』 Douglas Moore and David Barker BTB press 2010
Provided by myself


Evaluation is based on writing assignments and class performance.


1Summer holiday writing task- peer corrected
2Summer holiday 2
3Topic 2 Free time part 1
4Topic 2 free time 2
5Topic 3 childhood memories part 1
6Topic 3 childhood memories part 2
8Topic 4:Trips and travel
9topic 4 trips and travel Part 2
10Topic 5 Dreams and future plans
11Topic 5 dreams and future plans Part 2
12Topic 6 My extended family
13My extended family part 2
14Topic 7 A great thing about Japan
15Topic 7 great thing about Japan part 2