

シラバス 詳細


3限言語と文化秋A名古屋 22P.R. モロウFE2335




In this course we will study the relationship between language and culture. The course will have two main parts. In the first part we will begin by talking about what culture is, how it is built up and learned, and how it is reflected in language. In particular, we will look at how culture is reflected in vocabulary, and in the patterns and rules people follow when they talk to each other. We will also consider how bilingualism is related to culture. After covering these general points, we will study the relationship between language and culture in the case of English. As an international language, English is used in many different cultures and sub-cultures. By looking at these cases we can better understand how language and culture influence one another.


The general objective of this course is to gain an understanding of the relationship between language and culture. A more specific objective is to learn how English has been influenced by the various cultures in which it is used.


This course is taught in English. Readings, lectures and homework will all be in English. Students should expect to spend time outside class to complete assignments each week.


There are no prerequisites for this course, but because the course is taught in English, students need to have good listening and reading skills.


教科書No assigned textbook. Instructor will provide handouts in class.
参考書『英語の冒険』 Melvyn Bragg 講談社 2012
『Topics in Language and Culture』 Brown and Eisterhold University of Michigan Press 2004


Grades will be based on workly weeksheets. Students should attend all classes and must complete a make-up assignment if they are absent.


1Culture: Stereotypes and Generalizations
2Nature, Language and Culture
3Words across Cultures
4Backchannels and Forms of Address
5Backchannels in Japanese and English
6Framing in English and Japanese
7Speech Acts and Politeness
9Nonverbal Communication
10English in America
11Standard English
12English in India
13English in the Caribbean and Australia
14English in Japan: Loanwords