

演習指導概要 詳細


6限演習(4年)通年名古屋 44P.R. モロウFE4101
6限演習(4年)通年名古屋 44P.R. モロウFE4101




The theme of this seminar is American Culture. We will cover various topics related to American history and society in order to gain a good understanding of contemporary American culture.


Through readings, videos and discussion we will study American history and the values and beliefs that have shaped and continue to influence American society and American people’s ways of thinking. Readings will be taken from newspapers and textbooks about business, government, politics, ethnic diversity, education, religion, family structure, entertainment, music, and others. We will also study the special geographical features and important points of interest in each region of the country. Most of the class time will be spent reading together and discussing what we have read in pairs and small groups.

Students should identify a topic for their graduation paper during their first year in the seminar, and during their second year, they will be actively working on researching and writing their graduation paper. Many students choose topics related to American culture for their graduation paper, but the topics need not be limited to those that we cover in the seminar. Students are encouraged to research and write on topics of special interest to them.


テキストThere is no assigned textbook. The instructor will provide copies of readings.


One purpose of this seminar is to provide an opportunity for students to develop and improve their English skills through reading and discussion. The course will be conducted entirely in English, and students will write their graduation papers in English. Only students who are willing and able to use English should take this course.