

演習指導概要 詳細


6限演習(4年)通年名古屋 44長谷川 和美FE4101
6限演習(4年)通年名古屋 44長谷川 和美FE4101




Writing a Graduation Thesis


This course has five main aims: 1) to develop students’ abilities to analyze the concepts of “difference” and “identity” in Japanese modern history; 2) to understand the historical developments/changes of those particular social categories; 3) to enhance students’ critical understanding of the contemporary Japanese society by analyzing the historical developments; 4) to give students the support and guidance needed to complete their graduation theses; 5) to continue developing the students’ academic skills of reading, analyzing, discussing, and presenting in English.

In general, there are two types of class activities in the course. Each week, we will read texts related to the notions of “difference” and “identity” in Japanese modern history. And, every other week, we will focus on students’ senior research by having individual meetings and presentations in class. Each week, one or two students will make an approximately 10 minute-long presentation that fosters our discussion on the readings. In addition, students are required to work on their research.


テキスト『The Broken Commandment』 Shimazaki Tōson University of Tokyo Press 1974
『破戒』 島崎藤村 新潮文庫 2005
If the English translation is difficult to find, the Japanese original (島崎藤村『破戒』新潮文庫、2005年) is also acceptable. Other class readings and handouts will be provided in advance.


Class Participation (25%)
Weekly Presentations (25%)
Reading Responses (3) (25%)
Graduation Thesis (25%)