

演習指導概要 詳細


5限演習(3年)通年名古屋 43長谷川 和美FE3101
5限演習(3年)通年名古屋 43長谷川 和美FE3101




Global Studies + Japan


(Spring) Colonial/Postcolonial Studies
This course introduces students to the interdisciplinary field of colonial and postcolonial studies/critiques. We will read the major theories and literature that have shaped the field over recent decades. Importantly, we will also ask how these colonial/postcolonial critiques can be translated into the context of East Asia. In this course, we will focus in particular on the experience of modern Japan, both its relation to the West as well as the colonial and postcolonial experience of the Japanese empire.

(Fall) Gender, Sexuality, and the Politics of Queer in Modern Japan
In this course, we will examine the history of modern Japan particularly through the theoretical frameworks of gender and sexuality from 1600 to the present. We will explore not only how gender relations between men and women changed historically but also the shifting gender/sexual relations and dynamics between men and men, women and women, and other socially constructed identities.

(For Both Semesters)
This course will be conducted by using a combination of interactive lectures, class discussions, and student presentations on class materials and their own research. All students will be expected to read all the assigned readings for the date indicated on the syllabus. Each week, one or two students will make an approximately 15 minute-long presentation on the readings that fosters our discussion in class.


テキスト『 Naomi』 Tanizaki, Junichirō Knopf 2001
The required text for Fall: Tanizaki, Junichirō, Naomi. New York: Knopf, 2001. All other required readings are available as PDF files on CCS.


Participation 20%: Students are responsible both for attending each class session and for participating in the lively and informed discussions.

Weekly Class Presentation 20%: Each week, one or two students will make a presentation on class readings in class.

Reading Responses (5) 30%: Students are required to submit 5 reading responses or reflection papers.

Senior Research Proposal and Literature Review for Spring/ Research Paper for Fall 30%: Students are required to write a research proposal in Spring and some sections for their own Senior Research in Fall.