

シラバス 詳細


1限英語演習H(英語で学ぶ国際連合)春A名古屋 12長田 こずえWY2204




The course will shed the light of current debate over the UN effectiveness, as it also provides a clear understanding of how UN is operated and what kinds of challenges it is facing now. UN's roles in the fields of poverty alleviation and development, peace keeping and human rights will be covered.

The course also provides of accounting of various UN arms such as UNDP, UN Women, and a few Specialized Agencies. In particularly, students are given the clear accounting of two Europe-based UN agencies, UNESCO and ILO. In development area, SDGs will be covered in details.

Diploma policy corresponds to the item of globalized world, and curriculum policy corresponds to the item of international cooperation and assistance.


• To learn the ABC of the United Nations and its System
• To understand the general trends in globalization, global governance and global solutions
• To understand and be able to express oneself the three basic cores of the United Nations and mandates


Students must have a good command of English, equivalent to the “Eiken英検2級. It is recommended that students also register for the parallel Japanese course “国際機構論” (by Prof. K. Nagata) to supplement and complement to his/her knowledge about the United Nations.

この授業は別途、長田の国際機構論と並行しています。日本語で共通点の多い内容の国際機構論と対にして聴講してほしいと思います。 そうすると理解しやすい英語の授業です。


Good attendance record and positive class participation is required. Opportunity for debate and presentation in English is to be offered. No texting (unless instructed otherwise), no mobile chat and no disturbance in class. A disturbing student may be removed by the instructor.


教科書『No textbook – hand-out material will be distributed in each』
『国連英検過去問題集 B級 最新版』 日本国際連合協会 三修社
All learning materials will be uploaded under Class CCS. Hand-out learning materials will be distributed in each class, as appropriate.
参考書There might be a mid-term quiz, as appropriate. Preparatory study and review of each lesson is required.


40% = attendance and class participation, and 60% = the score of the Final Quiz
minimum attendance of 60-70% required, also, minimum score of 50% in the Quiz required.



1Global issues and global governance
2ABC of the UN and its organizations
3United Nations Mandate – development and poverty alleviation
4Learning the mandate and activities of UNDP
5United Nations Mandate – peace keeping and security
6Learning the mandate and activities of the UN PKO and SC
7United Nations mandate – human rights/gender equality
8Mainstreaming human rights and gender equality
9Learning from the grass-roots experiences of a UN staff
10United Nations and its specialized agencies
12UNESCO advanced
13International Labour Organization (ILO)
14United Nations System/Family – discussion and debate
15Review of the Final Exam
16United Nations System – Quiz