

シラバス 詳細


2限英語206リーディング秋A名古屋 12T.L. フィリップスFE2106




This course attempts to integrate the reading skill together with speaking and listening skills. Texts used in this course tend to be
"soft" reading materials like children's literature, including stories and poems. One aim of the course is to break down the wall of the
printed page and make units of meaning more accessible. Each teacher will choose different materials, but all have that common aim
of bringing reading closer to a decoding act in which the dynamism of the spoken word is sensed behind the dots, marks, and lines on
the page. As the class is taught in English, the aim of understanding the written word is not to lay it to rest in Japanese translation, but
to use that understanding as a springboard for communicative activities in English.


By the end of this class students will be able to read a two or three page story in less than twenty minutes and grasp the mail points without
using a dictionary. .


In-class tasks must be completed with the maximum use of the target language, although a bi-lingual dictionary will be required for quick reference. Attentive monitoring by the teacher will ensure that any major problems will be noted, reviewed and solved, but students must be confident to ask for help whenever they need it.


Pre-class preparation and post-class review is a responsibility students must undertake in order to consolidate class activities and language-input effectively. The course book must be taken to every class.


教科書『Reading Pass 1 Second Edition』 Andrew E. Bennett Nan `Un-Do 2015
ISBN 978-4-523-17774-6


Students will be graded by the regularity of their active attendance and their participation in the class.
(Homework 50%, participation 50%)


1A Free Writing Exercise. Presentations.
2The Burj Al Arab. Skills Work. Singular vs. Plural.
3Pop Culture Heroes. Skills Work. Their and There.
4Review and Development. A Story.
5Shanghai. Skills Work. Prepositions (Place)
6Climate Change. Skills Work. Modals.
7High-Speed Trains. Pronouns.
8Review and Development. A Story.
9Single-Child Families. Skills Work. Prepositions (Time)
10Identity Theft. Skills Work. Comparisons.
11India. Skills Work. Sentence Modifiers.
12Review and Development. A Story.
13Trans Fat. Skills Work. Noun Clauses.
14Artificial Intelligence. Skills Work. Adjectives.
15Consolidation. Relevant Tasks.