

シラバス 詳細


2限英語103ライティング春A名古屋 11P.R. モロウFE1103




This course is intended to help students develop their writing skills in English. Good writing is not a matter of just writing grammatically correct sentences. It also includes choosing appropriate vocabulary and adopting a style that is appropriate for the task and for the intended reader. In this first year course we will concentrate on writing clear and effective sentences, combining short sentences to make longer ones, and organizing sentences into paragraphs.   We will do various writing exercises aimed at developing these different kinds of writing skills. We will also practice writing various kinds of texts: formal and informal letters, notes, instructions, directions, opinion essays, reports and so on.


The goal of this course is to master basic writing skills and to produce various types of English texts, for example, letters, notes, instructions, essays, reports and so on. A secondary goal is for students to gain skill producing English texts using word processors.


To develop your language skills in this course it is very important for you to complete all assignments and participate in class actively.


There are no prerequisites for this course.


教科書No textbook. Instructor will provide handouts.


Evaluation is based on writing assignments and class performance


1Preparing to write; linking facts
2Writing a dialogue
3Linking ideas: reason, result and qualification
4Writing informal letters
5Paragraph writing: meaning and grammar links
6Writing formal letters
7Paragraph writing: main ideas
8Writing a biography
9Planning writing: listing and organizing
10Writing notes and messages
11Writing supporting ideas
12Describing a person
13Describing an object
14Writing instructions
15Comparing and contrasting