

演習指導概要 詳細


4限国際文化演習(3年)通年名古屋 43R.T. ダナヒューWB3101
4限国際文化演習(3年)通年名古屋 43R.T. ダナヒューWB3101




Intercultural Communication Studies considers how good communication develops between people of different culture: How can a Japanese communicate well and be open to world cultures? This ability and knowledge is now becoming more and more important to Japanese companies, as they want workers with high skills for ダイバーシチ or 異文化スキル。What and how taught will depend on the interests and abilities of the class. General English is a basis with practice of the four skills with a favoring of the spoken.


This seminar advances language and culture skills such that the student achieves a basis for international citizenship, the cultural awareness and perceptiveness required for effective intercultural relations. Includes English language study, integrative in scope by combining the four skills―listening, speaking, reading, writing--and aims for comprehension, interpretive, and expressive skills in everyday contexts. Course material is of wide variety, from controlled to free in linguistic scope.
Although the course favors spoken for dialogic speech, some attention will be given to formally written communication in business and academic genres. students gain an understanding of genre and related informational structures and conventions, improve their expository skill, particularly by clear connectedness of their ideas and related support, as well as a command of mechanics, vocabulary, and grammar at a suitable level for the particular material. Concurrently in the latter part of the seminar, senior students will produce a graduation project about an intercultural topic both written and spoken and capped by a report meeting standard requirements.




Full participation by the student is expected by keeping regular attendance and completing assignments along with satisfactory engagement with class activities.